I Am Who He Says I Am

     A few years ago, I read such a mind and heart transforming book: The 5 Love Languages written by Gary Chapman. Essentially, he discussed that we all have a primary love language and that if that language is not met or not spoken, then our “love tank” is thus empty. Simultaneously, this also defies the aphorism that we should treat people how we want to be treated. According to this book, this is why those we love do not always feel our intended love because we treat them based upon how WE want to be treated and loved. For example, I learned that my primary love language is Words of Affirmation; this means that I feel loved when I am verbally poured into, affirmed, and edified (this is not at all surprising since I am such a word whore:) Needless to say, when I call myself loving someone by speaking life into them and trying to build their self-esteem, it does not mean that person will respond or receive that love if their primary language is different, say like Physical Touch. If I’m trying to love on them with words and they’re trying to love on me with hugs and kisses, then there’s a language barrier. If only the world would actually apply this thinking which is based upon a humble and sacrificial mentality: have a daily intent to serve and love others based upon how the other feels loved and in turn if others are doing the same, everyone’s love tank would remain full. Where am I going with this? 

 The key here is one has to believe that it is so. Once I grasped that in my heart, I began speaking what I am according to God’s word and what He wills me to be - basically, I began to speak my own love language to myself by affirming who I am in Christ every day. Gone are the days where I wait for someone to affirm what I already know I am or can affirm for myself. I now know and believe that I am fearfully and wonderfully made; that I am a light that shines in dark places; that I am an ambassador for Christ; that I am a joint heir with Christ; that I am deeply loved and chosen; that I am powerful to subdue the enemy; that I am righteous in Christ. I actually wrote out over 50 affirmations mixed with God’s word of who I am so that I will never forget and not receive anything different. As I say and believe , “so a man thinketh in his heart, so is he (Psalm 23:7). What is it that you want to believe about yourself but find it insurmountable to actually receive? Do a heart check…what are you speaking into your atmosphere and allowing others to speak into your atmosphere?

Well, for years, I couldn’t understand why I experienced such a daily battle with my thought life and believing that I am indeed ALL that I desired and imagined I could be. You know, that world in your head where you are completely unstoppable, immovable, amazing, fantastic, and audacious. For years, I struggled with aligning myself with that image in addition to what others apparently have always seen in me but found it nearly impossible to believe it. When things do not look the way we think they should according to our standards and our measures, we completely ignore all the other beautiful things about ourselves. Today, I no longer have that struggle - or at least not to that same extent. I took heed to not only Chapman’s idea, but also God’s principle and promise that when we speak His word into our atmosphere, it becomes so. In Genesis, we see God speaking our creation into its very existence by merely saying, “let there be…” What God spoke, came to be and through His word, He gives us this very same promise. In 1 Thessalonians 2:13, Paul admonishes the new believers of Thessalonica to believe in the message or word of God given because it is “effectually at work” in those who believe. “Effectual” is the powerhouse of this scripture because it literally means successful in producing the desired effect. Here, God is letting us know that yesterday, today, and forevermore that His word will always be successful in its desired effect if we just believe. WOW! God’s word does not return to Him void - meaning that whatever His word is sent or spoken to do, it will not come empty and it will deliver.

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