Why Partner?

Daughters United in Christ, Inc is a 501 c3 organization who aims to meet its goals by offering:
Dynamic and Creative Workshops
The workshops facilitate lessons and development on a myriad of pertinent issues and topics such as but are not limited to: Becoming a Visionary; Optimal Health and Wellness; Building and Maintaining Divine Relationships; Leadership for Legacy; Loving Sandpaper People; Financial Integrity; Paradox of Power; Fortified through Adversity; and Using Gifts and Talents to Change the World to name a few. 

Diverse Panels for the Rising Generation

Our diverse panels offer our girls relatable applications, tools, and resources that will equip them for a global society. Each panel is founded upon a biblical principle and an open forum to discuss various concerns in a safe, transparent place. These panels are currently led by highly trained and experienced speakers, consultants, and business owners from local churches and businesses under the umbrella of finance, engineering, fashion, nutrition, fitness, communication, and entrepreneurship to name a few.

Outreach and Accountability 

Cultivating the capacity for seeing problems in our world and developing compassion to solve them should be learned early in life and is integral for our present generation. Connecting our girls with the needs of their community and drawing upon their gifts and talents propels them to aid in the solutions to the problems around them. Additionally, through these relationships with other young ladies, they expand in partnerships and learn the importance of possessing an outward focus in relationships. We are stronger together than by ourselves and need relationships to reach our destiny.

In order to consistently offer these varied workshops, provide enriching experiences, and maintain a consistent venue space for development, any offering would be greatly appreciated to retrieve all necessary resources, speakers, and workshop materials. We have served over 40 girls to date and currently serve 17 teenage girls in Bowie, MD. We would love to open this opportunity to more. Please contact me for our specific wish list where you can adopt a girl, project, seminar, venue, outreach or more for one time only or a month, six months, or an entire year. 

We would appreciate any amount; no offering is too small. You can contribute a tax deductible donation as often as you like using the Paypal account for Daughters United in Christ located on the bottom right of each page. Enter shenasmith@daughtersunitedinchrist.org for PayPal donations or if you simply wish to leave us a loving and encouraging prayer, please use the comment box below.

Thank You.

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