Resurrecting Dead Dreams

In a time where many are brokenhearted, weak, and hopeless, many (whether they are strong believers in the Lord or complete rejecters of Him) will still wail aloud to say, "Where is God in all of this?" When we are led to this point in our lives, we are actually in a place where His presence can ultimately be found. We have tried to figure out much from our own vantage point while the paradox of it is that we only see in part since we do not have the grand view of our Father who sees all things and knows all things.

As Autumn is steadily approaching, it brings to mind not just a harvest season for our hues of various plants, but also a harvest season for God's planters - his people. Although the time and seasons may align themselves, it can be difficult for us to align ourselves with what God desires to do and fulfill for us because we feel faint, feeble, fatigued. I myself recently experienced this feeling as I am in the midst of a huge shift in season where my dreams are indeed budding and coming to life as we speak. Although this can be an exciting moment, it can also bring trials and challenges that can cause the beginning of the thing or dream to die within you because you lose heart, lose faith, or even lose vision.

How soon we forget that God has always been in the business of "assembling the lame, [gathering] the outcast...and [making] the lame a remnant." When we become lame or sideways in a posture where we cannot walk or we cannot receive a direct, vertical word from the Lord due to afflictions or whatever ails us, God promises that He can and will "assemble" and put us back together. Despite what you are experiencing, our humility and brokenness actually invites Him into our situations; while our pride and arrogance repels us from God. We must let God put us and our situations back together so that what needs to remain will last and what doesn't will fade in order for us to carry out and birth the very dreams God has placed within us to fulfill.

So ask yourself what dreams have died in you because your shame, heartache, confusion, and doubt has robbed you of what is yours to have? I pray that you look within and find the courage to seek the Lord's face and let Him remind you of what He gave you to do and who He needs you to become so that "He may dwell richly in you" and resurrect what died in you. 

For the month of September, we will be focusing on dreams and vision and how to keep them alive and well so stay tuned!

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